In the MDRT Academy, MDRT members and other top advisors will support you through their expertise and help you achieve your professional goals.
Bi-monthly Webcasts, in-depth Performance Guides, articles, videos, podcast episodes and more can be accessed through the website and mobile app.
The four-part Assessment identifies individual strengths and growth areas, then generates Weekly Growth Plans based on the results.
Track day-to-day activities to progress and unlock messages from the MDRT President after you hit key production milestones.
Join the MDRT Annual Meeting or Global Conference (requirements) and local networking events.
Members have access to the official membership certificate; digital and virtual meeting backgrounds; business card, email and LinkedIn emblems.
Get access to a supportive community of peers in Connect, as well as mentoring resources and the opportunity to work one-on-one with an MDRT member.
*MDRT Academy membership dues are $275. First-year members joining after March 31 will pay prorated dues based on when they join.
To become an MDRT Academy member, you’ll need to create an account, enter your production and pay membership dues.
You can join the current membership year at any time.
Membership expires each year on December 31.
You cannot be a member of both MDRT and the MDRT Academy.
Made less than USD 81,000 in Commissions and less than USD 162,000 in Premiums the previous year. Made more than that? You may qualify for MDRT! LEARN MORE